Sunday 27 November 2016

Standing on the street....

 Sunday, November 27, 2016
 There was also a problem of jet lag during the first four days of standing on the streets, but it was still difficult to stand for hours on a cold windy road with banners. In the first place, of course, I was determined to be punished for the people of the world, but when I got started, it was an inevitable reality that I had a hard time. As of yesterday, to what extent I began to adjust to reality, I could afford to pay attention to other parts. Recalling the fact that I stood for the sake of people, I would expect whether some of those who had a glimpse of us for a moment would talk to me.
 Most of the first questions were 'what does the natural science society do?' While I was trying to think of a better answer, answering in one way or another, I suddenly asked Jemann, and he gave me a good answer.
 'Natural Sciences Society is an organization to reveal the truth about things in the world and convey them to people.'
 The hardest part is the giddy gibberish of the insane. No matter how determined I was to treat everyone as best I could, there was no countermeasure to gibberish from people puffing cigarette smoke with loose eyes.

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